
Hello, my name is Richard Jepps. Welcome to my blog.

I’m interested in client-server applications solving “data visualisation” problems involving spatial indexing and 2D graphics.

I hope to write about my experiments with R-Tree data structures in Scala and anything else that takes my fancy.

My professional background includes:

  • Programming in C, C++, Java EE and most recently C#.
  • Software architecture, design and development of applications for managing the assets and operations of transportation networks, involving the management and presentation of spatial, linear and temporal data.
  • Project management and development team management.

My current interests include:

  • Programming in Scala.
  • Exploring Play, Akka, PostGIS and Neo4J.
  • Reading technical books on software and management.
  • Building and running far too many computers.

Find me at:

  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/richard-jepps/6/3a9/b47
  • StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/users/38031/richj
  • Twitter: @richard_jepps


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